세계 최고 ART&DESIGN MUSEUM인 영국 빅토리아앤앨버트뮤지엄(V&A)에서 레지던시 작가를 공모합니다.
2008년부터 진행해온 V&A Residency에서 2015년 10월 처음으로 Korean Artists를 모시게 되었는데요,
관심있는 작가분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.
V&A Samsung Digital Art Residency
2015년 10월 1일 - 2016년 3월 31일 (6개월)
1. 레지던시 지원사항
-지원금 총 £10,000 (6개월간/ 월별로 분할지급)
-V&A residency studio (laptop 등)
2. 지원자격
-대한민국 국적(거주지 상관없음)
-artists working with digital media (including moving image, webtoons, games, interactive art, software and Internet art)
3. 지원방법
-온라인지원(작업파일 첨부있음) 6월30일 자정까지(런던시간기준)
*지원이 몰릴 수 있으니 마감일 전 지원바랍니다.
-skype interview : 7월15-16일 9:30-13:30 (런던시간기준)
*상세안내 및 FAQ
*지금 바로 지원하러 가기
*V&A Residency 둘러보기
V&A Samsung Korean Digital Art Residency
1 October 2015 – 31 March 2016 (6 months)
1. Offered conditions
-Bursary: £10,000 for six months (subject to tax and national insurance)
-One standard return flight to the UK for international residents
-V&A Residency Studio (Laptop etc.)
2. Application
-Deadline for online applications : Midnight, 30 June, 2015 (London Time)
-Interview : 15 and 16 July 2015 via Skype (between 9:30 am and 1:30 pm London time)
The V&A is inviting applications from artists with Korean nationality (based in the UK and internationally) working with digital media (including moving image, webtoons, games, interactive art, software and Internet art) who wish to develop their practice in new ways by working with the V&A’s collections and developing public engagement activities.
The Residency will be based in a studio at the V&A’s South Kensington site in London and will take place over a six-month period from 1 October 2015 – 31 March 2016. The Museum will provide a monthly bursary (taxable), one standard return flight to the UK and additional budget for materials needed for any public facing activities.
A team drawn from the Museum’s staff will provide support throughout the project. We are interested in practitioners who wish to work with the Museum’s resources and collections and would welcome the opportunity to actively work on projects with the public.
The Residency Programme is integral to the philosophy of the V&A, helping to make the Museum's learning programmes dynamic and creative.
Full information, FAQ http://www.peoplebank.com/php/home/adtachdownload.php?filename=33524.pdf
For more information on the residency programme http://www.vam.ac.uk/residencies
To apply, please go to http://www.vam.ac.uk/content/jobs/apply/ and complete the online application form.
*이해를 돕기위해 국/영문 게재하였으며 모든 지원은 영문으로 이루어짐을 안내드립니다. 감사합니다.
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