Myanmar & Korea Art Exchange Project in New Zero Art Space
전시기간 : 2013.07.09(Sat) - 08.02(Sat)
참여작가 : Aung Myat Htay, 변대용, 정찬호, 정만영, Kaung Su, 이창진, Myat Kyawt, Nora, 박주현, 송성진, Thyitar, Yadana
기획참여: 서준호, 강상훈, Haymann Oo
장 소 : New Zero Art Space
초대일시 : Opening Receeption: 2013. 07.30 05:00pm
Open Workshop: 13.July.2013 (Sat) 16:00 at New Zero Art Space
Artist workshop: 15. July. 2013 – 26. July. 2013 at New Zero Art Space
주 최 : 스페이스 오뉴월, 뉴제로 아트스페이스
후 원 : 한국문화예술위원회, 부산문화재단
Inviting date 30. July. 2013 5pm
Project Period: 09.July.2013 – 02.Aug.2013
Venue: New Zero Art Space (Director: Aye Ko)
(202, 2nd Floor, United Condo, Alan Pya Pagoda Rd, Dagon Twsp, Yangon, Myanmar)
Open Workshop: 13.July.2013 (Sat) 16:00 at New Zero Art Space
Artist workshop: 15. July. 2013 – 26. July. 2013 at New Zero Art Space
Exhibition: 27. July. 2013 – 31. Aug. 2013
Exhibition Reception: 30. July. 2013 (Tue) 17:00 – 19:00
Artist: Aung Myat Htay, Byun DaeYong, Jeong Chanho, Jeong Manyoung, Kaung Su, Lee Changjin, Myat Kyawt, Nora, Park Juhyun, Song Sungjin, Thyitar, Yadana
Curator: Seo Juno, Kang Sanghoon, Haymann Oo
Organized by New Zero Art Space & O’NewWall
Supported by Arts Council Korea & Busan Cultural Foundation
Tel +95 9 5000 802, + 95 9 73129520, + 95 9 73199473
newzero.org@gmail.com, ayekoart@gmail.com
TEL+82 70 4401 6741, +95 9 31287708
Arts are especially representing culture of the people and of course their lives, needs and desires. And some are focusing upon transition of the country’s political issues, crises, rights and also based on the concept of being in unseen and unexpected changing of the Myanmar Democracy waves. Myanmar and S. Korea are considered that they have similar history. Both countries have colonial memory and similar political situation. So with this project both countries artists can learn many things from each other. We can learn differences, similarities, feelings, desires, attitudes of the life and some many things from each other. During the 25 days residency project in New Zero Art Space even though 25 days are not enough to know each other but artists can start to touch each other with art.
Releasing apart from every differences and distances, art is arise by the touch of souls inside. Touch will bring you not to Asia, not to Europe but to an artistic soul. “Touch” is by the artists from Korea and Myanmar. We can say, they are different as they are from different countries. And we can say, they are same as they all are from Asia and they all are artists. However, works of art are representing not for being differences but for seeing each other. It is happening just by the touch of art.
예술은 시대의 아들이다. 가장 추상적인 미술마저도 당대의 사회와 문화, 그곳에 사는 사람들의 삶과 욕망을 반영한다. 한국과 미얀마 양국은 식민지 역사, 군부 독재 등 유사한 정치적 상황을 겪은 바 있다. 그렇기에 두 나라의 예술가들이 함께 작업하고 전시를 치르는 이번 미술 교류 프로젝트는 상대방을 이해하고 또한, 자신의 상황에 대한 더 많은 것을 깨닫고 배울 기회가 될 것이다. 우리는 첫 만남 이래 몇 일간의 공동 작업을 거치며 다름, 유사함, 느낌과 욕망, 삶에 대한 태도 등 많을 것을 배울 수 있었다. 물론 25일의 시간은 양자를 알기에 충분한 시간은 아니다. 양곤 뉴제로 아트스페이스에서 진행하는 이번 프로그램을 통해 우리는 서로에 대한 ‘터치’를 시작한다.
지리적 위치와 문화적 차이에도 불구하고 예술은 어디서나 교류와 융합의 역사, 즉 ‘터치’를 통해 꽃피워왔다. 우리는 각자 다른 곳에서 살아왔지만 예술의 대륙에 함께 사는 같은 종족이다. 그래서 우리는 현대미술을 통해 새로운 ‘터치’를 시도한다. 이번 프로젝트를 통해 양국의 작가들은 문화의 다름 자체를 새로운 눈으로 바라보고 서로에 대한 시선을 보여준다. 이러한 움직임은 서로에 대한 작은 호기심, ‘터치’에서 시작된다.
Aung Myat Htay
In this video installation, paused the movements of the people and focusing on the time ticking background. Abridge the time of the long-recording cloud bank to be faster. In reality, we ever see the stay cloud behind the restless people. But in this art work, Aung Myat Htay convert this natural concept.
Byun Daeyong
Byun Daeyong’s shiny sculptures show pop image of the mass culture industry. But the situation composed of his tiny and cute characters are revealing cruelty of the real life. For this project he compare with worship to Buddha and desire to win the competition. So, He use trophies could buy cheaply in common market in Yangon and gold leaf he collected in some Pagodas. He presents the question about the gold that we can see both in the worship and competition.
Jeong Chanho
Jeong Chanho uses funny and light characters of animation, sports, etc. but his themes of the works are very serious like his complicated and skillful technic. In New Zero Art Space residency project, he deals with memories might be disappeared in Myanmar’s rapidly changing mood for value of irreversible things melting like sugar drawing.
Jeong Manyoung
Jeong Manyoung was preoccupied with wood sculpture before he turned his attention to light and space. Since then he has expanded the range of his work to include a variety of installation art. As a part of the extension, he has used locally produced materials, such as bamboo, in light installation and film projectors for media installation to explore the issues of urban space, such as urban night illumination. His frequent work with theater productions on stage sets reflects his interest in urban scenes that represent interplay between light and structured spaces.
Kaung Su
In this work, Kaung Su is specifically interested Devastated wood and vocalnic activity and scars of human impact on body of nature. Felled wood related to eruption, because there is a long relation of forest with nature. But, today, human beings is destroying the original nature in every seconds. Now, the devastated nature is pushing human civilization to the edge of extinction. Because, a great civilization is not damaged from without until it has destroyed itself from within.
Lee Changjin
Lee Changjin takes photo images from the liquids like water and milk, etc. after then he sculpts the shape of the images by bronze, FRP. Through this way to work, he would want to show the procedure of the production. Recently he is focusing on the shapes that are result of the transparent colored plastic layers making shapes.
Myat Kyawt
Human right is for all. Nationalism is for its nation and it is also heritage of ancestor. Every democracy country has human right and nationality and it were being constructed as a contrast harmony. Today Myanmar is period of marching for democracy solving religious problem and national problem. If human right and nationalism is unbalance, Myanmar's peace as well as world peace will be in harm.
Life is full of untitled moment.
Park Juhyun
Park Juhyun is working on tools like old hammer. Whenever he works, He research about the tool’s history and the owner’s story first. As the result of Interviewing with the people who have worked with each tools in long time, he reproduce the tool as a work of art containing the life story of the own user. He wants to carve the desire of the change and liveliness of the Myanmar people and artists friend in old Myanmar tools that he collected at old markets in Yangon.
Song Sungjin
Song Sungjin has participated in several artist residency programs in Japan, China and so on, He has been working with focusing on each countries’ specific mood and scent which he called ‘temperature’. He expresses unique and poetic sensibility with retouching on collected images in many countries’ market, building and people. In this project, he looks around Yangon city’s each places and research things might disappear as changing rapidly, and then he will work with the result as he called the temperature by other’s eye.
To control the acceleration of the speed, you need a rope. Then, you can control the speed and stand up quickly again without going far away.
Yadana Win
In everyday life, as we live in acceleration with thoughts in our heads disappearing now and then I have come to know that the things that never change in one’s life is struggle and devotion.
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