*개관 : 2005.02.16(인사동) / 2011.10(북촌) 이전재개관
▶구 도스갤러리(인사동) 지난 전시 보러가기

GalleryDOS is currently reviewing emerging and mid-career artists seeking representation. We ask that any artists looking to submit their work first review the artists currently represented to best understand the mission of the gallery. Due to the large volume of artist submissions, strict guidelines exist for gallery review:
Portfolios should contain a minimum of six images of recent work accompanied by titles, dimensions, medium and price. Also, please include a biography listing previous/current exhibitions and representation, significant sales (and prices), and education. Portfolios will be accepted through digital review, they cannot be hand-delivered. Additionally, artist’s websites and/or online portfolios cannot replace actual submissions, though if you have a site, the address may be included in your submission.
Portfolios can be sent to: info@gallerydos.com
Review typically requires a few weeks turnaround period, during which the gallery will contact the artist with any questions.