도쿄국립근대미술관 에서 김달진미술자료박물관에 2012년 8월 6일 소중한 자료를 기증해주셨습니다. 기증된 자료는 다음과 같습니다.
1. 도록
Guerrino Tramonti, the magician of color,raised in Faenza, Italy, exhibition (2011)
Leiko Ikemura : transfiguration (2011)
Leo Rubinfien : wounded cities (2011)
Masuda Mitsuo’s bracing metal chasing―andTomimoto Kenkichi (2011)
Paul Klee : art in the making 1883-1940(2011)
Paul Klee : art in the making 1883-1940(독일어판해설) (2011)
The art of film posters in Japan (2011)
Undressing paintings : Japanese nudes1880-1945 (2011)
Valerio Olgiati at the museum (2011)
Hara Hiromu and The National Museum ofModern Art, Tokyo : what one discovers through design work (2012)
Jackson Pollock : a centennialretrospective (2012)
Kitamura Takeshi : master of contemporaryweaving (2012)
2. 리플렛
<Gallery 4> On the road (2011)
<Let’s Browse with Topical Focus>Marvelous Scenes (2011)
3. 기타
Annual Report 2010 (2012)
Bulletin of the National Museum of ModernArt, Tokyo No.16 (2012)
(이상 모두 도쿄국립근대미술관 발행)
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