UnwantedIvanka Pokes Fun at White House Nepotism
Ivanka Trump doesn’t see an issue butting into conversations with world leaders. I’d say this was embarrassing but we’re way beyond that at this point.

One of the most clever images to emerge out of the #UnwantedIvanka meme (via @BridgerCountry)
Last week, US diplomacy hit a new low as one of the grifters of the Trump clan showed up to the G20 meeting with her dad in a display worthy of an autocratic government. Some of us just rolled our eyes, others just ignored it, while the most savvy spotted it as a moment to bring out their meme machines.
In his reflection on the G20 summit, Edward Luce focused on Ivanka Trump’s odd presence at the world leader gathering. He writes, “Her father said she was uniquely qualified to lead the US skills drive because she had created ‘millions of jobs’. In reality, Ms Trump’s accessory companies, which she no longer directly runs, created hundreds of jobs, almost all of them in China. Both Ms Trump and Mr Kushner were denied high-level security clearance by the White House personnel office. Mr Trump overruled the bureaucrats. It is thought that their extensive overseas business ties offered ample conflicts of interest. If you google ‘Ivanka Trump clearance’, the first item that comes up is cut price sales of Ivanka product lines.”
And then the #UnwantedIvanka hashtag was born.
The meme came after what appeared to be an awkward moment in Osaka, when the Trump daughter appeared to push herself into a conversation with world leaders.

The Guardian reported that a few months ago, Donald Trump confirmed he had considered naming his daughter to head the World Bank, but he also was considering her for a United Nations post. You can’t make this up.
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (aka AOC) chimed in and said what many others were already thinking:
Yet here we are, being represented by someone whose qualifications are limited to genes. Thankfully the internet’s ability to memeify the strange, undigestible parts of our world can give us a little bit of solace … for now.