Over 60 philosophers, authors, artists, and musicians come together this weekend at the Brooklyn Public Library for a full night of conversations and performances.
Brooklyn Public Library’s Night of Philosophy, 2018 (all images courtesy Brooklyn Public Library)
This weekend, the Brooklyn Public Library (BPL), in conjunction with the Cultural Services of the French Embassy,
will host their third annual edition of A Night of Philosophy and Ideas. The event will bring together philosophers, authors, artists, and musicians for a series of conversations and performances, beginning at 7 pm on Saturday, February 2 and ending at 7 am on Sunday, February 3 at the Central Library at Grand Army Plaza.
Brooklyn Public Library’s Night of Philosophy, 2018
This year’s theme, “Facing the Present,” will explore “the most pressing issues in contemporary society.” Dr. Kwame Anthony Appiah, a professor of philosophy and law at New York University and the author of the New York Times column “The Ethicist,” will deliver the keynote address on identity and freedom.
“This event is a tender suggestion to our city to slow down, face the beasts of reality and relentlessly ask questions. Stay up and think! Attending the Night of Philosophy is a subversive act that will stay with you throughout the year,” said László Jakab Orsós, BPL’s Vice President of Arts and Culture.

Brooklyn Public Library’s Night of Philosophy, 2018
The full schedule of events can be found here. Of note is the 11 pm discussion “What is Decency in an Indecent Present?” led by Dr. Todd May, professor of philosophy and philosophical advisor to NBC’s television series The Good Place. WNYC’s podcast “10 Things That Scare Me” will also host a special midnight program, inviting guests to share their fears, accompanied by a live cello performance. There will also be a live puppet show hosted by MIT called “Manufacturing Mischief,” featuring wood puppets of Noam Chomsky, Karl Marx, and Elon Musk, created by Mexican artist Pedro Reyes. That, and so much more, can be found on the BPL website here.
When: Saturday, February 2, 7 pm—Sunday, February 3, 7 am
Where: Brooklyn Public Library, Central Library, 10 Grand Army Plaza, Prospect Heights, Brooklyn